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In, From, and With Series hosted by Grace Denis

Murmurs has partnered with Grace Denis, editor of the book  In, From, and With: Exploring Collective Survival
on food sustainability to host a very special upcoming series of events. Please see more info below.

About the Book
In, From, and With: Exploring Collaborative Survival is a collectively constructed lexicon that collates a series of terms selected by twenty-four contributors, ranging from botanists to artists to agricultural producers and more. The interactive book, including edible and non-edible recipes, explores the notion of collaborative survival through a series of sensorial pedagogies, implementing the body as a fulcrum for digesting terminology. In, From, and With romances the possibility of reading and doing as a means of metabolizing, braiding together practice and pedagogy through an intimate inquiry of contemporary consumption.

Preface by Anna Tsing. Contributions from Adwoa Addae, Angela Chan, Asha Mines, Agustine Zegers, Catriona Sandilands, David Horvitz, Eden Batki, Fernando García-Dory, Jessie French, Jo Vávra, Justine Parkin, Institute for Interspecies Arts and Relations, In Co Lab, Lichen Kelp, Loren Kronemyer, Noon Tran, Nora Slade, Oola, Sanctuary Slimane, Sara Graorac, Sarita Dougherty, Sean Roy Parker, Sophia Winitsky, Susanna Battin, Terrapolis Collective, and Tarangini Saxena. Designed by Gal Sherizly. Printed by Offset Santiago.

Grace Gloria Denis’ work converges agricultural research with interactive installation, incorporating edible material, sound, and image to propose a convivial and comestible approach to critical inquiry. Implementing the meal as both a medium and a pedagogical tool, her work refers to participatory action research models, engaging in collaborations with actors in local food systems. Her work considers the meal, or quotidien interaction with edible matter, as a poetic tool of transmission, inviting a reimagination of sensorial relationships to consumption practices.

Shop the Book Here ︎︎︎


Date: November 12th at 6pm
Location: Murmurs, 1411 Newton St. Los Angeles
Ticket price: $75

Murmurs presents a dinner honoring concepts of Kansha and Gratitude, featuring Eden Batki, Grace Denis, and Noon Tran.
This four-course vegetarian meal with drink pairings celebrates seasonality through ephemeral edible installations and dishes,
featuring locally produced ingredients and recipes from the book In, From, and With.
Excerpt from the book:
“The word kansha translates directly from Japanese to gratitude.
It is a lineage of cooking that implements the entirety of the produce,
including stems and skins, leaving no waste.” – Eden Batki


Cocktails by Yola Mezcal.
Dinner will be served outdoors in the Murmurs garden.

All seats come with a printed takeaway including select contributions from the book and recipes
alongside a take home surprise banana leaf wrapped pyramid dumpling for the following morning.

Vegan options are available, but quantity is limited. Please specify if you would like the vegan option,
and email any food allergies or intolerances to︎︎︎

Purchase Dinner Tickets and View Menu Here ︎︎︎


Date: November 5th from 10-1pm
10-12pm: Clean-up led by Susanna Battin
12-1pm: A reading by Susanna from In, From, and With & optional picnic by Grace Denis
Location: Glendale Narrows︎︎︎
At 10am we will meet at the footbridge between Sunnynook River Park and Atwater Village, south of Los Feliz Blvd.
More detail directions once you RSVP.

This event is FREE and open to the public.
Please RSVP to︎︎︎
If interested in the picnic, please Venmo $25 to @Grace-Denis (last 4 digits 0374) before November 1st

Drawing (left) by Susanna Battin
The flyer (right) is both an invitation to initiate your own river clean-up, and an artifact of this time, when understandings of labor, environment, nature, and culture are no longer separable. The flyer was designed in the media lab at the Pima County Public Library by Wings' local chair who identifies as a Common Raven (Corvus corax). She extends her thanks to the Tucson librarians who, for the first time, permitted computer and printer usage to a non-human patron.


Date: November 6th from 12-2pm
Location: Murmurs, 1411 Newton St. Los Angeles
Ticket price: $50

Learn the animist approach to traditional plant based dyeing by either hand forging and/or boiling toextract natural pigments while imagining the color that will result. Noon will guide us through the history of natural dyeing techniques through cultural diaspora as her way of reclaiming histories and both as personal connections and connections to nature.

︎ We will provide blank t-shirts for the dye experiments, however participants are also encouraged to bring a personal article of clothing they would like to dye.

︎ Tea and treats are included in each ticket.

This event is limited to 10 participants and each ticket slot costs $50.

Learn more about Noon’s dye practice here︎︎︎

Purchase a ticket here to sign up︎︎︎

Photos by Justin Cole Smith


Date: Grand Opening October 28th through December 2022

Agustine Zegers
David Horvitz
Eden Batki
Grace Denis
Institute for Interspecies Arts and Relations
Jessie French
Noon Tran
Sara Graorac
Sarita Dougherty
Sean Roy Parker
Susanna Battin

& more!

Photo (above) by Pier Carthew, Art Direction by Thalia Economo

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