February 17 - March 3, 2021
Revolutionary Plant Power
with Botánica Cimarrón
A 3 part workshop series about the transformational power of plants to heal ourselves and the world. This time will be a crash course on the practice of herbalism for autonomous self & community care, with a focus on activating the creative imagination.
All classes held on zoom at 6:00pm-7:30pm PST.
WEEK 1 ✿ February 17 ✿ Care
What role do plants play in community care and earth care? We’ll peak into the radical world of plants by exploring the energetic exchanges of medicine-making. Participants will be guided on how to make their own herbal extracts at home for self-care.
Materials for this class to be acquired by participants:
~ Glass jar with a lid.
~ A solvent (example: acv, honey, vodka)
~ Mesh bag or a fine strainer
Materials to be mailed beforehand:
~ Herbal blend of Hawthorn, Rose, and Motherwort
WEEK 2 ✿ February 24 ✿ Dream
What is the connection between vision, love, and spirit? We must dream before we take purposeful action. In this class we will journey into the realm of plant consciousness to collaborate with the spirit of our medicines. Harpist & composer Nailah Hunter will provide live music for our sound journey.
WEEK 3 ✿ March 3 ✿ Unite
How are plants in alliance with us toward building new worlds? Our plant medicine is now ready to be decanted and take action. Learn about historical examples of resistance through the perspective of plant human relationships, and get inspired to build multidimensional networks for change within your community.
Botánica Cimarrón is a love story starring a free earth stewarded by a free people. Where your medicine and ceremony essentials are made in small batches at a land-based botánica by a queer Afro-Taino healer, Catherine Feliz. The roots of this story lies in Caribbean folk healing, the DIY spirit, and decolonial land activism. And our folk heroes? Well that’s where you come into the story. We make powerful plant medicines and spiritual tools for nurturing your wild heart to revolutionize this world.
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