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February 15 — March 21, 2020  |  Opening Reception: Saturday, February 15 | 5-8pm

House of Hours
by Benjamin Asam Kellogg


Benjamin Asam Kellogg (b. Long Island, NY, 1991) attended The Cooper Union. His work draws from the architectural and symbolic history of an elite and secretive class, borrowing from the crests, engravings, and cryptic ornamentation of facades. Kellogg applies the logic and vernacular of the semiotician, following tenuous but poetic connections between the entertain-ment industry, religious or occult institutions, and political organizations. Whether or not a particular connection can be proven is secondary to the kernel of truth that lies in the impulse to seek it. At the heart of this practice is a longing, or a prayer, for an essential truth that may never be told. Kellogg is currently based in New York and has shown there in addition to Germany, London, France, Japan, and Italy. This is his first solo exhibition in Los Angeles.

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Installation view

Tree of Eternal Afterlife, 2020.
Venetian plaster, gold leaf and acrylic paint on canvas

Scrying Altar Bearing the Lesser Lights, 2020.
Stone bowl, candles, water, ink on wood pedestal

Philosophical Key, 2020.
Gold leaf, brass

Pavilion of Light, 2020.
Venetian plaster, gold leaf, wood on paving brick

Pavilion of Light, 2020. Detail
Venetian plaster, gold leaf, acrylic paint, wood on paving brick

Pavilion of Shadow, 2020. Detail
Venetian plaster, gold leaf, wood on paving brick

Temple of Hours Cloister Vista Triptych (Day), 2020.
Woven tapestry

Temple of Hours Cloister Vista Triptych (Day), 2020. Detail
Woven tapestry

Temple of Hours Cloister Vista Triptych (Day), 2020. Detail
Woven tapestry

Temple of Hours Cloister Vista Triptych (Night), 2020.
Woven tapestry

Temple of Hours Cloister Vista Triptych (Night), 2020. Detail
Woven tapestry

Temple of Hours Cloister Vista Triptych (Night), 2020. Detail
Woven tapestry

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